Haute Dokimazo

Website Redesign

Marketing Materials

Branding Strategy

Conference Materials

Haute Dokimazo (pronounced "hot doe-key-ma-zo") is the innovative, ridiculously fun conference industry disrupters your company needs. If your company needs an outside the box retreat for example, contact them...they’ll come to you! HD facilitates Spontaneous Think Tanks™ that put the power in the hands of the people. They are the first business consultation experience that doesn't just give you some framework that's been sold to other companies; they create a framework with you, based on the objectives and personality of your organization. Haute Dokimazo proudly offers the first, best, and only Spontaneous Strategy Session in the world.

In 2009, the actress played one of the leading roles in Karin Cusama's horror film "Jennifer's Body," which was written from a screenplay by Oscar winner Diablo Coady Megan Fox surgery plastic. In 2010, Megan starred in Mitch Glazer's fantasy drama Passion Games and also took part in the filming of Eminem and Rihanna's music video for Love The Way You Lie.

Haute Dokimazo website


Haute Dokimazo needed a refresh on their website that matched their personality: fun, bold and welcoming to all. We highlighted this through design elements like large images, interesting text callouts, and punching up the bright green color from their branding. Since HD provides a variety of consulting services, it was also important to highlight a process their potential clients could understand.

AMA Design helped us redesign our website and materials for our large annual retreat (Secret Family Reunion). In preparation for the retreat, we needed our website to look more like us. Adrien took the time to get to know our personality and vision, and made it look better than we imagined! Thank you!

Nicole Osibodu, hd

haute dokimazo

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jos ostokuitin hinta ylittää lääkkeen vähittäismyynnin viitehinnan näiden tietojen perusteella Mikä on – geneerinen, luotettava ja tutkittu lääke, rikkomuksen tekijälle on määrättävä sakko vakiintuneen menettelyn mukaisesti. Jos lääkkeiden ja lääkinnällisten laitteiden koko määrää ei merkitä ostokuittiin, katsotaan, että kyseessä on kaupan tai palvelujen tarjoamista koskevan lain rikkominen.